Four Factions. One Destiny.
Punished, forsaken and left for dead by the very hand that created them, four races must come together and unite against the grim horrors of a world set on fire.

about the game
Unity is an Indie Tabletop Roleplaying Game set in a new and unique world that blends epic fantasy with a flavourful dose of magick-infused technology. Unity focuses on telling spectacular stories while emphasizing teamwork with a combat engine that allows players to combine their powers and develop interesting synergies for a deep and fulfilling tactical experience.
Explore the forgotten remnants of a once Golden Age when mortals rose to challenge gods. Rediscover long forgotten ancient technologies that blur the lines between reality and wonder. Stride atop colossal mechanized machines of war from a bygone era. Embrace the discovery of new and exciting cultures in a scarred landscape full of secrets and hidden beauty.
In a world that teeters on the brink of apocalypse, become the dim light of hope that shines among a sea of darkness or take advantage of the chaos in the world and make your own mark. Whatever flavour of adventure you choose, you will have to work together to achieve it.
Unity is a story book, an art book, and a game book. All three aspects have been lovingly crafted to bring you a product full of value and entertainment.
Want a deeper look into the setting and see a sample of the horrors you'll face? Check out the PREVIEW section.
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What's in the Book?
Unity is a 368 page book full of gorgeous artwork, rich lore, and a game system that encourages storytelling, cinematic battles, and the development of deep and colourful characters. The book has EVERYTHING you need to start playing:
- Full roleplaying rules for character creation, adventuring, and combat.
- Full setting guide that explores the world of Unity and its rich history.
- 4 Factions complete with cultural write-ups and short stories.
- 9 Classes and hundreds of power combinations to master.
- Mysterious and perilous locations to explore.
- Deadly foes to fight.
- Powerful treasures to acquire.
- A Game Master’s Guide.

Where to Buy?
You can purchase Unity Tabletop RPG through the online store HERE.

Team Oriented Tactical Combat
Combat system designed to facilitate teamwork and the development of synergistic combos between party members. Initiative has been streamlined. No individual turns. No more counting squares. Less tedium, more fighting.

2d10 resolution
Roll 2D10 with modifiers to achieve your goals. A simple roll versus a target number across all activities in and outside of combat to determine success.
Examples are leaping across a chasm, stealing some pie or skewering a marauder.

Class Fantasy
Evocative class design paired with freeform character creation allow you to embrace your own unique vision of the character you want to play. Each power and class feature is designed to exemplify the flavour and fantasy of that class while providing compelling tactical and creative choices.

Diceless GM-ing
GM dice rolling is not required. You can if you want (there are alternate rules for GM dice-rolling), but the system lets you simply focus on narrating, adjudicating and creating spectacular situations for your players.

Unity's Core Path and Spark Points mechanics set players up to take an active part in storytelling alongside the GM. Players are encouraged to paint a cinematic scene and create characters with depth and a rich history that begs to be revealed.

fail forward
Even when failing a roll there are rules that facilitate moving the narrative forward in an interesting way or providing the option to move combat along.
A miss doesn’t have to mean that nothing happens.
playable races
classes & enemies
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